Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I WAS going to put up a rant-y type post about baby classes and preschool prep classes (!!!  I KNOW.  WTF?) and how I am entirely fed up with all the talk about said classes amongst my moms' group.  Instead, I waited.  And I complained to my mother and my neighbor and my friend and then I erased said post because it wasn't coming out the way I wanted it to and I sounded like an ass.  This is why this blog is so perfect for me.  I can write it all out, get it on "paper" and then hit delete, and bam!  Gone.  And even though the words are gone, I feel so much better having spewed my brain on the page.

So instead of that rant, I am going to try this whole Being Positive thing.  There are plenty of things to complain about and I seem to be particularly excellent at it...the complaining, that is.  However, I want to tell you about my first Mother's Day which was spectacular.  No, there may not have been fireworks or diamonds or anything one may consider spectacular, but my husband and my family made it pretty special.  Tim and Noah gifted me with a beautiful charm engraved with Noah's initials and birthdate as well as a trip to the garden center to pick out my flowers for the season.  I have always enjoyed planting flowers with my mother right around Mother's Day so this was something I wanted to continue in my own backyard.  On Sunday, we spent the morning at the Network of Strength's Walk to Empower in Chicago's Grant Park benefitting breast cancer research (pics to come).  I had planned to do this walk with my friend and then recruited my mother, my sister, my brother, my cousin and Tim and Noah.  It was an amazing experience being there with over 45,000 other walkers/runners as well as my family and friend.  And Tim didn't complain once.  A minor miracle I tell you.  (Damn, there is that negativity again!)  It was truly inspiring to see the survivors and the names of those that the disease claimed far too early listed on so many shirts.  The walk will definitely be a tradition for all future Mother's Days.  The day ended with a lunch spent with our extended family and watching Noah crawl all over the room.  

Thanks to my husband, my son, my family and friends, this first Mother's Day was everything I had hoped for and more.  Especially because of my son, my baby, my heart.  Noah is becoming such a wonderful little boy, more and more so each day that I am beginning to mourn his babyhood.  It's so very fleeting.  When you're in the thick of it, it seems neverending but as soon as you start to see the other side, the "big kid" side, you realize how quickly time goes by.  My boy who is finally crawling, so close to walking, and starting to "talk" to us.  It was a Mother's Day to remember.

To those of my readers who are moms, I hope you had a fantastic day full of love.  And to those of you celebrating your mothers, I hope you showed her how special she is.  Being a mother is no small feat and one that should be celebrated daily.  And by celebrated, I mean with a glass of wine and a piece, or three, of chocolate. 


Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day right back at you!
Oh my, remember when we were IM-ing each other about breastfeeding? We agreed that making it to the 6 month mark seemed like a REEEEELY long time. Ha. Now I am reading books about what to expect AFTER the first year! Can't wait to see pics/video of your crawler.

Anonymous said...

Aw, happy Mother's Day! It is so fleeting... it's hard to believe that what everyone said was so true: "It goes so fast."

You must post pics of your pretty new flowers! I'm trying to get inspired to get moving in our yard as well.