Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Without going into much detail, I walked into work this morning after a long weekend and found out one of my bosses passed away suddenly late last week while at a conference in Lake Tahoe for work. To say I am at a loss for words is an understatement. This man is the reason I work here; he interviewed me one early spring morning in 2004, found out we were fellow Illini and I was in. He liked to sing me his old fraternity songs and always had a hug for me when he was in the office. We traveled a lot together before I had Noah and we always had such fun on the road. He was at my wedding and danced with me in my big white dress and he in is dark, dapper suit. He was a good man, a very good man, and I will be forever thankful that I knew him. I'm just so sad baby girl won't have that chance...he was so damn excited to meet her.


Thank you for all of your solid advice on the potty training. I sat Tim down and explained to him that the Ones Who Have Gone Before Us aka You recommend we back off the kid and try again in a little while. Noah is clearly attempting to exert control over the situation and the building frustration on both sides isn't getting us anywhere. Amazingly, he did great most of the weekend with gentle reminders from us and no negative reactions to accidents (of which there were few). We'll keep reminding him but I'm not going to go hard core until the baby is here and we get used to the new normal. You people are so smart (and pretty!).


Speaking of baby, she's making progress. 2 cm and 50% effaced for those of you who a) know about these things and b) like to be fully informed. Tim is convinced she'll be early, I hope she'll be a little early, and my mother is banking on her not coming early because she'll be out of town end of this week and the beginning of next. All I know is I'm not sleeping, the BH contractions have kicked into high gear, and I feel like crap.


I forgot how much the last weeks of pregnancy kind of suck your will to live. I just keep telling myself that it's much easier with her IN than it will be with her OUT. Even if she will be all cute and snuggly and smelling like delicious baby. NOM NOM NOM.


Cupcake Mama said...

I tend to be jealous of very pg ladies as it means you are about to meet your beautiful baby and all the ickiness of pregnancy will be over. I think about getting pregnant and birth seems so far down the road. Post pics so we can all delight in the loveliness of newborns.

Hillary said...

Oh man .... baby smell. SIGH. Their little heads just smell so perfect -- unlike dirty, sweaty little boy heads. (Though, I have to admit those are perfect in their own stinky way.)

Jessica said...

I'm sorry about your boss!

I hope the last few weeks of pregnancy go well for you. I can't wait to see pictures!

Anne said...

You're almost there! Baby soon!! So excited for you guys.

pseudostoops said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your boss. That's awful news.

Michelle said...

I am so sorry to hear about your boss. It is devastating to lose someone you see every day. Sending you good thoughts.

A'Dell said...

Yes, those last few weeks are horrible. AWFUL. And it might be easier with her in, but when she is out you can MOVE FREELY and that, my friend, is a wonderful thing.

I am so excited to meet her!

Katherine said...

So sorry to hear about your boss.

Jennie said...

I'm so sorry about your boss. How sudden and awful. Let me know if there's anything your readers can do.

Also, I'm taking a very similar potty training approach. He'll get there when he gets there. I hope/assume. I suppose he COULD be the one college kid wetting the bed, but I'll love him all the same ;)

Michelle said...

So sorry to hear about your boss. That is awful.


So excited for little girl to make her debut.