Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's probably a girl...probably.

Yet again, our unborn child thwarted our plans. "She" remained tightly curled into a cozy little ball (why, yes! the fetus was in the fetal position!) and refused to budge for over half an hour despite me rolling onto all sides, the tech jabbing the ultrasound wand all over my stomach, and Tim's pleas to the baby to behave. We were able to see that "she" was growing right on schedule and healthy as can be so if that's the takeaway then we're good. The most important thing is that the baby is healthy. Always.
We have a 80% chance it's a girl and 20% chance it's a boy...however, just the lack of obvious boy parts doesn't have me wholly convinced on the matter.
We have a few options here:
1) We wait until the 32 week ultrasound when we will have a bigger baby and better chance of seeing gender. Again, no guarantees "she" will cooperate since "she's" proving "herself" to be rather stubborn. (This is still 12 loooooonnnnnggg weeks away. Ugh.)
2) We wait until the delivery and have a birth day semi-surprise. (Yeah...I'm not so good with surprises.)
3) We make an appointment at one of those 3D ultrasound joints that our doctor dislikes and try again to the tune of $150. (The least appealing but also most crazy-hormonal-pregnant lady friendly option).
What would you do?


Michelle said...

I fall under the crazy ass pregnant lady category so um I'd pick the 3D. That being said, what if you get there and s/he isn't cooperating then you're out $150 and still have to wait till 32 weeks? That would suck. Waiting isn't going to change the gender either so screw it, you might as well wait.

{told you I was the crazy pregnant lady}

Michelle said...

Oooh that's tough. I couldn't wait until the birth day but I wouldn't want to pay $150 and not have the baby cooperate. What if you wait until 32 weeks and then do the 3D if she doesn't cooperate then?

Jessica said...

This would be driving me crazy!! I don't know whether I could wait until 32 weeks, but $150 is a lot. I'm no help!

samantha said...

The 3D places freak me out as they apparently jack your kid up or something. I'd freak out and wait until the 32 week (also how in the heck do you get all these ultrasounds? Hooray for your insurance!)


Cupcake Mama said...

I don't know anything about the 3D stuff but I would do a ton of research to make sure it is legit and then hightail it over there. There is so little joy in a prego world beyond the baby and stuff.

Jennie said...

As a once crazy pregnant woman, I'd opt for the 3D or try to get in sooner for the next u/s, but as a probably-won't-be-pregnant-again woman, I'd say put that $150 in an envelope and wait till the birth. Whatever you have -- girl or boy -- take that $150 and splurge on that one thing you most want for him/her.

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

I can't believe this little baby isn't cooperating. A sign of things to come? heheheh

You're asking advice from the girl who waited until birth to find out the sex ... and who would do it the exact same way all over again. I vote for a surprise and to put a twist on it, you two have to pick gender neutral names (Sam, George, Alex, etc.). Might simplify things for you in the baby naming department. =)

k said...

Hmmm...this is hard for me to answer as I feel torn. We didn't find out with Ezra and I loved it. We did find out with Noah and Iris (two too many surprises) and loved it then.

Although, I also have a strong tendancy to become a Woman Obsessed when I get a burr in my saddle about wanting to know/arrange/do something. I'd probably shell out the $150 (as would T just to get me be quiet about it already).

Cass. Just Curious said...

I would be alarmed if you don't already have the 3D place on speed dial. It's time for some certainty....although I can tell you it's just like a girl to be so darn difficult.

Erica said...

I would go with the $150 and I wouldn't leave that damn place until I found out. I have a girlfriend who drank a full sugar can of coca cola before hers and it helped.

Paige said...

I'd wait til 32 weeks. Those 3D places freak me out a little.

bessie.viola said...

Based on the baby's behavior so far, I'd say you can bump that 80% up to 100% GIRL. Girls are notorious for challenging their mamas; she's just getting an early start!

That said, I waited until birth to find out, and I wouldn't have it any other way.