At One Month, Chloe is sleepy during the day, nursing all night, and starting to share social smiles with us. The smiles are what keeps this mama going at 3 am. That and the swing...the girl loves her some swinging. Although Chloe is about as fussy (read: spit-y and grunt-y and gassy) as Noah was at this age, she's also MUCH easier to be out and about with. She naps on the go and at home with ease whereas her brother was always rather pissed about being in his carseat or stroller. Chloe adores her big brother and cranes her neck looking for him if she hears his voice. So far the sentiment seems to be reciprocal. Noah is so gentle with her and loves to pat her softly on her head when she starts to get fussy.
Chloe is classic newborn with her CRAZY sleep patterns and lack of any structured bedtime. I know I have a ways to go before I can expect any kind of consistent bedtime...I think this has been the hardest thing for me to adjust to. I had become so used to having the evenings to myself that I had forgotten that a newborn doesn't know 8pm from 8am. So we spend a couple hours every night attempting to create a soothing sleep environment...and then give up and turn on the tv. We'll get there eventually.
At One Month, my girl loves to snuggle and nuzzle her head under my chin. She adores being held and I am more than happy to oblige. I love this girl with all that I have...I really couldn't ask for anything more.
Behold the many faces of Chloe Elizabeth, affectionately nicknamed Spitty McGrunts:
Imma gonna get you...and your boobies.
What you just said was HILARIOUS...I think.
I'm mildly concerned with the situation at hand.
Oh my lord the cute. STOP IT WITH THE CUTE because I am trying to keep with my one and done thing. I used to love watching TV until late at night w/Anna.
I've seen several people doing those monthly (or sometimes weekly) photos. Is there some kit with all the sheets/backdrops? Then you edit the photo to add the age?
Absolutely adorable!!!!
Her face and her hammy thighs are RIDICULOUS.
Oh! I love those photos of Miss Chloe. She's so sassy ... already! Happy one month, little girl!!!
I am snort laughing at those photos.
What a doll.
She is ADORABLE. And I cannot believe she's that "old" already!!
HEY that's OUR nickname for OUR baby. Or sometimes I just call her Laundry.
So cute!
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