Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring Giving aka how someone else motivates me to clean out my closets because I can't do it on my own

Hey, look what I'm participating in!


Miss Modern Matriarch has organized a little blogger spring giving party and after taking a look in our basement storage room the other week I figured I had A LOT OF CRAP to purge/give.  A lot of crap someone may look upon as the best treasures in the whole world.  So beginning this week I am going to go through all my closets, rooms, basement storage and PURGE!  PURGE!  PURGE!  I did a round of cleaning out before Noah was born but crap multiplies like rabbits and we're full up again.  I'm even making Tim go through his mounds of old computer parts from like 1995 and get rid of it all.  Dude, there is this thing called wireless?  Ever heard of it?  It's a revolution, I tell ya.

If I haven't needed it, seen it, worn it, used it in a year, it's OUT.  Hell, maybe I'll make that SIX MONTHS.  I am THAT ballsy.  When you clean out your space, what are your conditions to toss/donate?


AndreAnna said...

Thanks for the support lady! You're gonna feel so awesome with less stuff.

(See also re: feeling awesome: me being in town in two weeks.)

Hillary said...

I'm about the same as you. I LOVE purging stuff now, but used to have a hard time. Then I moved into a small house with almost no storage. You purge to survive.

Hillary said...
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Rougeneck said...

I started cleaning today! It's so liberating.

Sara said...

And I'll even take pictures of my progress! Lucky you...

k said...

What is UP with men and their computer parts? T has a Nerd Closet and it houses old scanners, old laptops, cords aplenty and a ridiculous number of other techy things. Of course, he also has two milk crates of tapes in our basement. Perhaps he just needs some tough love.

Sara said...

TAPES!?! I forgot about those. We also have one of those nylon hard sided cases that he used to store all his tapes from the 80s, early 90s. He "claims" he will listen to them all someday but on what exactly? I don't think we even have tape players in our cars.