Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Week 35

Dear Baby Boy,

I know it's been a while since I wrote to you and for that I apologize. But since we do spend EVERY MOMENT of EVERY DAY and EVERY NIGHT together, I don't feel so bad. This week marks your 35th week in utero and my 35th week of complaining and whining. I still cannot comprehend the fact that you will be here in 5 weeks, give or take. YOU! You are coming! I get to meet YOU so soon. It's completely thrilling and yet absolutely terrifying at the same time.

I think I am finally over my concern that I won't know what to do with you once you're here. I mean, I still don't know what to do with a brand new baby, but at this point I feel like I will figure it out. Especially after I saw the look on the newborn baby boy's face in the nursery during our tour...he had just been circumsized and apparently they give the boys a little "happy juice" to help numb the pain. He was a day old and looked like a drunk old man with a sloppy grin on his face. It does not get better than that. That little face made me realize that you're just another little person and that I am so lucky to be the one entrusted with your care.

You have a name, a nursery, plenty of clothes and precious stuffed animals, and a family who cannot wait to meet you. I think I need a sign up chart for all the visitors that want to come see you in the hospital...you're popular already. Way more popular than me. Your grandma calls everyday to check in on you. Though everyday it is the same story, she gets excited knowing you're doing well. At the last doctor appointment you weighed 4 lbs 13 oz and measured approximately 17 inches. You're a big boy, though not off the charts. I'm going to have to cap you at 8 lbs my friend...I don't want to think about you being any bigger *shudder*.

Keep on keepin' on little guy. Stay in there until you're nice and ready to come out and meet us. Though a little early wouldn't be discouraged.

Love you,

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